P125 F1 Upright

P125 F1 Upright


The P 125 F1 upright is a very popular model with great musical versatility. Players buy it for practice purposes and for home and school keyboard instruction, though when you sound its strings and allow its rounded and gentle tone to resonate, you will delight the guests at any venue. The F1’s cabinet combines both classical and modern design, which fits in with any home interior.

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Technical Specifications

Depth (mm) 590

Width (mm) 1463

Height (mm) 1250

Weight (kg) 236

Soundboard material resonant spruce wood

Active area of soundboard(m²) 1,185

Ribs - number, shape 10, spherical

Soundboard construction wedgewise tapered 9 mm in upper section - 7 mm in lower section

Cast iron plate Wet sand casting

Surfacing of iron plate nitrocellulose paint with bronze dust added

Pin block - material Multiplex beech, density 800 - 850 kg/m3

Wooden frame construction, material spruce wood, 3+2 posts

Cut off bar (corner cross rib) - material, number beech, 1

Cabinet material MDF, plywood, solid wood

Bridge - treble beech wood

Bridge - bass beech wood

Bridge pins steel-round tips

Agraffes material - number brass, 88

Strings - material Röslau steel wire from Germany, Degen copper winding from Germany

Hitching of plain strings double

Dampers - number 1 - 70

Pedals left - Soft pedal, middle - Muffler pedal, right - Sustain pedal

Castors yes

Felt colour red

Hydraulic slow close fallboard mechanism yes